Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 37. Home at last

We left Lebanon, TN this morning in misty rain. It rained hard last night and the saturated ground can't handle any more water. Water is standing everywhere and there is localized flooding. We drove up to Mont Eagle where it was pretty foggy. The weather got better after that. In fact the sun came out later. We stayed on I-24 until Chattanooga where we took US 27 to Carrolton and GA 16 to Newnan and then home to Peachtree City. I honestly say that the ride home was uneventful. We did not have any breakdowns the entire 37 days. Jim lost 2 fan belts, one the first day out and the other one yesterday, the second to last day of our adventure. But they were caught before the broke completely so no damage was done. We were in 15 states. (Our Model A has been in 35 states now.) The rest of the group made it to 14 states. We drove through Ohio when we left the group to attend our niece's wedding. We were in 2 Canadian Provinces. We made lots of memories. As for favorites. Maine and Vermont were the most scenic. The Bay of Fundy was amazing. The power of Niagara Falls is aweing. The areas close to the falls are overpriced and full of tourists. We went to many great museums. Jim was happy to have finally been to Saratoga Battlefield. Teri can now say that she has been in all five of the Great Lakes but didn't get to go to Nova Scotia. Ray & Teri ate lobster at least once a day while in Maine. Betty didn't care because she ate steak. Our total miles for the trip was 6,177.6 miles. Cost was about $8,700.00.The group agreed that the worst roads overall were in Pennsylvania. However, I-24 in Chattanooga had one terrible pothole. We saw Jim's car jump to the right as it went over it. Would we make the same trip again? That would be a qualified yes. We loved Williamsburg area, Gettysburg, Maine, Vermont, New Brunswick, parts of Michigan but the beauty of Niagara Falls is cheapened by the tourist attractions around it. We were there 30+ years ago and it was so much nicer then.

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